A modern Business to Consumer (or B2C) approach places the customer at the center of the experience. SEOTOASTER’s B2C solution excels at exceeding customer expectations with its standard CSS/HTML template implementation, embedded SEO, and modern 100% object-oriented core that serves web pages at lightning speed.


It all starts with an open source content management system that let you add, edit and format content from the online interface: no long forms and endless options to configure! Secondly, our B2C solution can be implemented with a modern and intuitive E-commerce system that combines the power seen in expensive systems with ease of use and unmatched marketing power.

All the required options are in there, including payment gateways, real-time shipping quotes with markups, inventory management, price and weight changing options, product sets support, merchandising with coupons and promos... you name it, and it’s in there!

On the off-chance that we don't happen to have the special feature you desire, SEOTOASTER is open source and ships with a well-documented plug-in system and API, making it simple for the original development team or your developer of choice to meet your exact needs.


Thanks to their unparalleled experience in helping small business build successful B2C websites, SEOTOASTER’s engineers have also built an integrated web quote system. First, your website visitors signify their interest in your products and services via a form on your product landing page. You are then free to customize quotes online and ultimately sell the right solution at the right price. The SEOTOASTER web quote system can also double as your Point of Sale (POS) system if you so chose.

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Finally, SEOTOASTER also integrates with SEO Samba to open up a world of cloud-based marketing and customizable SEO tools. Get a free account today to deploy real-time web analytics to your website, and see just how easy we can make it to manage and market disseminated websites.

It's no wonder that companies around the world trust SEOTOASTER to successfully power their online businesses. Take a look at how the following businesses have benefited from this powerful free content management system. We hope to see your name on the list soon!

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